I haven't had the energy to update the blog over the past week. It's been a whirlwind.
I began bleeding again on Friday. Because it was the weekend, I decided to make a requisite ER visit. The hospital website said that our local hospital had a 4-hr ER wait, so we trudged downtown for the 1-hr wait at St. Paul's instead. The triage nurse informed us upon arrival that the website was never correct.
Daddy, Bug and I waited 2 hours to see a doc, followed by another 1.5 hours awaiting bloodwork. Unfortunately the ultrasound techs weren't in, but my other tests demonstrated a continued viable pregnancy. After watching the clientele change from morose elderly women to junkies as the evening wore on - and Bug being recipient of a very large rubber dinosaur another patient had been keeping in her purse - we went home at 2 AM cautiously optimistic.
After a 7:30 AM wake-up call from the hospital, I was back at 9 AM the next morning for my ultrasound. Lo and behold, I have a Sub Chorionic Hemorrhage causing the bleeding. No bedrest or less activity is necessary, and they expect the bleeding to subside with time. My guess, if I can make one, is that the SCH was caused by a vanishing twin, which would also explain the heavy bleeding last Monday.
The u/s was more definitive than the previous tests. The gestational sac is in the right location - no ectopic, yay! - and the embryo was visible. It's measuring on-time and with a solid heartbeat. All wonderful news for 6 weeks even.
My first official ultrasound at Dr. Y's office Monday confirmed the results. One embryo, with a rising heartbeat (105 at 6W, 115 at 6W2D), and a size that doubled in two days. I'm glad to have had some good news.
While I was at Dr. Y's office, we also ran my TSH numbers. It was pretty frustrating. My TSH is out of the normal range for early pregnancy (3.39), but Dr. Y feels that the number is invalid because we tested too frequently. Never mind that the number is out of range, and that it's well known both that hypothyroid patients generally need synthroid increases during the first trimester, and that higher numbers lead to a much higher risk of miscarriage. Normal T4 numbers are between 1-2.5, which is where my numbers had been falling until 2 weeks ago. Never mind. He wasn't willing to up my synthroid dose. Thankfully my GP was, and we've increased the dosage from 62.5 mcg to 75 mcg accordingly. This is up from 38.5 pre- November IVF cycle. Wow!
In other news, my symptoms have been intensifying. I feel like crap. With Bug, I had minor and very occasional morning sickness. With this pregnancy, I've had it on a daily - and practically suffocating - basis. The cravings are intense, and I alternate between craving food and never wanting to touch it again. My energy is in the toilet, and I spend as much time as possible laying flat in bed. It's so far proving to be a more exhausting pregnancy than Bug's was, although it's possible that having a toddler while pregnant is partially to blame.
My stomach started rounding a few days ago...thankfully the left over Bug stomach keeps it hidden unless I suck it in. I'm hoping to share the news on Mother's Day. 7 weeks to go.
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