Monday, March 2, 2015

FET #1: 12DP5DT

It's 2:56 PM on beta day.  Yay!  The long wait for my results is (hopefully) almost here.

I had my blood draw at 7:20 this morning.  I was the first one in the queue.  The phlebotomist missed the vein and had to repuncture it.  It was the most painful blood draw I've had.  I hope it's not a bad omen for today's news.

Olive's nurses stop taking incoming calls after 3 PM.  I left a message at 2:50 enquiring on the status of my results.  Naturally, one of his nurses is out of the office today.  It explains why they're backlogged in making calls, but the longer this drags out, the more my heart is pounding.

I still haven't done a home test.  Still queasy with vivid dreams, but not in as bad of a mood as last week.  I'm trying to tell myself that the queasiness is due to the progesterone, and that when I get negative results in the next few minutes, I can console myself with a big cupcake and with the thought that our planned trip to California this summer will go on as planned.

Last cycle, I think they called me around 2 PM with my low beta numbers.  During Bug's cycle, the nurse called me two hours earlier than expected.  My brain can't help but wonder if they're delaying the inevitable because it's not good news.  I've been through that once before...can hopefully handle it again.

I'm trying to will the phone to ring.  It's not working.

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