I stumbled across my page and am fascinated by seeing the updates. In some ways, it's hard to remember the journey - the fears, the apprehension, the anxieties and uncertainty over what was to come.
It all passes in a heartbeat.
...and as I type this nearly four years later, I'm happy to say that all of the happily-doubling HCG turned out well. Baby Spud made his way into the world at 39 weeks, 6 days - one day shy of his eviction notice. An 8-lb, 8-oz little man, he's now a vivacious 3-year-old - the kid who fills our world with joy, exhaustion and fear simultaneously. Spud takes the world by its horns and is never afraid to let us know his thoughts on it. Bug is now a sweet, shy and sensitive 6-year-old. It's still hard to believe that our original 8-cell embryo is a first grader who loves running around, playing with his brother, reading up on the Titanic and exploring the world.
We still have a frozen embryo at Olive, the other blastocyst that was frozen during Josh's cycle. I'm not so keen on going through pregnancy again...and yet I just can't bear to make a decision on it. So every year, we pay the $300 fee to keep the hope there for another year.
Every shot, every blood draw and vial of medicine...it was worth it. These little boys are our life.
This blog is for you, my little 8-cell embryo and blastocyst.
Photos by Eden Bao Photography.
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