Friday, March 6, 2015

5 weeks and the 2s

My next beta blood draw is Monday; I'm halfway there.  I used my second Clearblue Digital this morning, and it's showing that my HCG has increased.  I used an ovulation test strip yesterday afternoon - I was desperate and realized we didn't have any cheap pregnancy tests on hand - and the test line came up darker and more quickly than the control line did.  We'll find out how much my HCG has increased on Monday.

I went in yesterday for a TSH check-up as well as for measles, mumps and rubella titres.  Bug spent most of the time we waited for the phlebotomist serenaded the waiting room with his versions of the alphabet song, Oh Canada and Apples & Bananas.

I'm feeling exhausted right now.  The queasiness has somewhat abated, but the exhaustion has set in full force.  My brain is pretty foggy and clueless, and my concentration has gone out the window.  I definitely feel off.

It's making for interesting down time.  Since Bug has become obsessively interested in all things digital, I've limited my own screen time as much as I can.  We put the cable boxes away, and my husband uses parental controls on our computer so that I have limited access to it (at my request!).  Any down time that I had after cleaning was filled with reading, yoga DVDs and hot baths.  I can't concentrate, have no energy...and hot baths aren't recommended during pregnancy.  I've taken to reading magazines and newspapers, cleaning more, and banging around on my ukulele.  I'm also thinking of pulling down the sewing machine to try to make a new quilt...but with my pregnancy-induced stupor, am not sure that sharp needles and cutters are the brightest idea.

Of course, wouldn't it be appropriate that the day I get a positive beta was the day my son would hit the 2s (despite being nearly 2.5, that is)?  Over the past wee, he's developed into a full-fledged toddler with a complete mind of his own.  When he can't do what he wants (such as skipping preschool, going barefoot to school, skipping breakfast, wearing pajamas and a dirty diaper all day, throwing rocks, running around at snack time), the screams and hysteria start.  Utter meltdowns at the drop of a hat.

He got two time-outs in preschool yesterday, and was also reprimanded for refusing to wear shoes to class.  When I picked him up earlier in the week, he was in the middle of a different time-out.  This time for throwing rocks.

I'm slowly re-learning how to hold him so that his inevitable flailing kicks are far from my mid-section.  I have to admit, though, that having a kid in the 2s at home is not helping my exhaustion...

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