Friday, February 27, 2015

FET #1: 9DP5DT

Oh, beta (blood test) day, why won't you come any closer?  Still 72 hours away.  It feels so long.

Many clinics test anywhere between 9DP5DT (=14DPO) and 12DP5DT (=17DPO).  Our first clinic tested at 13DP3DT.  I was working at the time, so the 2 weeks went by relatively quickly.

Our new clinic's policy is to test at 12DP5DT, which feels so far away from the transfer date.  With both cycles, it naturally has fallen on a Monday.  Which means that I still have an entire weekend to get through before knowing what's up with our little blast.

I don't test early at home.  I've never, ever gotten a positive home pregnancy test on my own, so I don't want to jinx it in any way.  The _only_ true positive I ever got was after the positive beta with Bug's pregnancy.  I took a home test, and received the second line even before the control line appeared.  It was amazing.  On my last cycle, I tested after my inconclusive beta and received a faint test line alongside the control line.

Monday will come, just sometimes it feels like it's not soon enough.

A big test for me is this weekend.  It was at a comparable point last cycle when all pregnancy symptoms (some fatigue, light cramping, queasiness) simply faded away.  I stopped "feeling" pregnant, for lack of a better word, even despite the progesterone and estrogen I continued to take.  I have no idea if I feel pregnant or not right now, but know that returning to feeling 100% like myself is not a symptom I hope to experience.

It's also the point where my cycle should start if the progesterone isn't suppressing it.  It did suppress it last cycle, so I'm not holding out hope.  I'm 31 or 32 days into the current cycle, 14DPO.

We'll see.

Side effects, 9DP5DT: Sleeping a bit better, dreams that aren't 100% vivid but still quite memorable.  Cramps & queasiness yesterday, hot flashes (???), very light & minimal spotting.  Everything comes and goes throughout the day.

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